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Quality and guarantee

Of course you are looking for flower bulbs of the best quality. BULBi offers quality flower bulbs from the best growers. Our products are grown with the utmost care and are professionally controlled at different times in the process. Quality control takes place right after harvesting, during storage and just before shipping to our customers. All flower bulbs and tubers, such as Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils and Dahlias, amply meet the strict export quality requirements. This way you can be sure that the products are healthy and of good quality!

Quality checks

Our products have been inspected by the Flower Bulb Inspection Service (BKD) or NAK Tuinbouw. These are independent inspection bodies that operate under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.The inspection takes place on the land at the grower. The flower bulbs must be true to nature and 100% healthy to be approved. If the bulbs meet these qualifications, these bulbs will be provided with a certificate. This certificate guarantees the quality of the product from the land up to and including your home. This certificate is necessary for export.

100% Flowering guarantee

We offer our customers 100% flowering guarantee on all our flower bulbs, tubers and annual plants. For the best quality and result, you should plant the flower bulbs immediately after receipt. If your flower bulbs, tubers or plants do not bloom, while you have followed our plant instructions, please feel free to contact us. Together with you, we will then look for a suitable solution.